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Plant and animal bacteria share cell-killing mechanism
November 23, 2000
Planning process begun to decommission Ford Nuclear Reactor
November 21, 2000
Conference on “Death and Its Enemies” to be held Dec. 1-2
November 20, 2000
Economic penalty of extra pounds to middle-aged women
November 17, 2000
Copyright symposium Dec. 4-6
November 17, 2000
Michigan economy will continue to grow in the next two years
November 17, 2000
Renee Safra will give student commencement address
November 16, 2000
Prof. Lisa Curran to receive Russel Award
November 16, 2000
Regents approve sale of historic home
November 16, 2000
Regents approve facilities projects
November 16, 2000
Elmore Leonard to speak Dec. 17 at winter commencement
November 16, 2000
Three faculty granted emeritus status
November 16, 2000
Regents approve academic administrative appointments
November 16, 2000
Regents approve tenure appointments
November 16, 2000
Regents accept more than $12.8 million in gifts
November 16, 2000
Expanding public engagement through arts and humanities
November 16, 2000
America’s economic good times will continue, but more slowly
November 16, 2000
Social work pioneer Henry Meyer died Oct. 29 at age 87
November 15, 2000
U-M joins Fathom
November 15, 2000
New process creates silicon-based chemicals from sand
November 14, 2000