The following University of Michigan faculty members are available to comment to news media on the Republican presidential
ADVISORY TO NEWS MEDIA primaries: Donald Kinder, professor of political science and psychology and principal investigator, National Election Studies, is an authority on voting behavior, elections, media and public opinion, and politics and race. He can be reached at (313) 763- 4783.
Ken Kollman, assistant professor of political science and faculty associate, Center for Political Studies, is an expert on political parties, elections, interest groups and public opinion. He can be reached at (313) 936-0062.
Greg Markus, professor of political science and research scientist, Center for Political Studies, is an authority on voting behavior, public opinion and elections. He can be reached at (313) 763-3284. Roy Pierce, professor emeritus of political science, is an expert on political behavior and author of the recently published “Choosing the Chief.” He can be reached at (313) 763-5091.
Steven Rosenstone, professor of political science and principal investigator, National Election Studies, is an authority on voting, political participation and public opinion, and has written “Forecasting Presidential Elections,” “Mobilization and Political Participation,” “Third Parties in America” and “Who Votes?” He can be reached at (313) 764-5494.
Raymond Tanter, professor of political science, is an expert on election trends, especially with regard to the effects of domestic legislation and American foreign policy. He can be reached at (313) 763-2221.
Michael Traugott, professor of communication studies and research scientist, Center for Political Studies, is an authority on political communication, public opinion, media polling and campaign surveys, and co-editor of the recently published “Presidential Polls and the News Media.” He can be reached at
Center for Political StudiesRaymond Tantercommunication studies