How schools and libraries can benefit from the Merit project

February 10, 1997

ANN ARBOR—The Merit dial-in project has provided dial-in equipment prioritized for use by people in K-12 schools, community colleges, and public libraries in 130 locations in Michigan. Project funds have been set aside to cover the ongoing costs of supporting that equipment until Aug. 31.

Any K-12 school organization, community college, or public library group may participate in MichNet dial-in by committing to pay a portion of the recurring costs of their local dial-in site or sites after the project funding ends. By doing so, organizations gain (or retain) the ability for their users to have dial-in access to the Internet through MichNet.

To participate in funding a dial-in site or sites, an organization needs to state its wishes in a letter of commitment to Merit or to the key local organization that has agreed to pay the ongoing costs of a particular site. Individual districts, libraries, and community colleges are encouraged to communicate with others in their region, and to issue a joint letter of commitment. Letters of commitment may be submitted at any time.

Complete information, along with a sample letter of commitment, is available at:
