Documentary chronicles collision of Civil Rights Movement with Detroit’s Olympic bid

July 17, 2024


DATE: 5-7 p.m. Tuesday, July 23

EVENT: Screening of the documentary film, “Detroit’s Olympic Uprising.”

The film is a collaboration between Detroit filmmaker Aaron Schillinger (“Boblo Boats: A Detroit Ferry Tale”) and University of Michigan professors Stefan Szymanski and Silke-Maria Weineck.

It is 1963. Detroit is bidding to host the 1968 Olympic Games and a new energy is sweeping through Detroit’s Civil Rights Movement. This is the story of their collision.

SPONSORS: The screening is hosted by the U-M Center for Race & Ethnicity in Sport, U-M Arts Initiative and U-M Detroit Center.

PLACE: U-M Detroit Center, 3663 Woodward Ave., Suite 150, Detroit

INFORMATION: The screening is free and open to the public. Registration reserves a seat and includes parking and refreshments.