Come celebrate the 30th birthday of U-M’s Saturday Morning Physics

March 13, 2025


DATE: 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, March 15, 2025

EVENT: The University of Michigan Department of Physics’ family-friendly Saturday Morning Physics lecture series is turning 30 this year. To celebrate, student-led groups from physics, the Department of Astronomy and the College of Engineering will provide demos and hands-on activities for curious minds of all ages to explore.

The event also serves as a sneak preview of the program’s upcoming STEMobile, which will take STEM engagement activities on the road to schools, communities and libraries in Southeast Michigan and beyond.

The celebration will include an all-ages presentation entitled “Good Vibrations: The Science of Vibrations, Sound and Hearing.” Afterwards, there will be activities brought to you by ZEUS, the university’ high-powered laser facility, and a visit from “Spot” the robot dog, who will delight the audience with dancing and more.

The event is free and open to the public.

PLACE: Weiser Hall, 500 Church St. Ann Arbor

PARKING: Available at the Church Street Parking Structure for $10/car

SPONSORS: The U-M Department of Physics and friends of the program

LIVESTREAM: Those who are interested but unable to attend in person can watch the event live on YouTube.