K-12 back-to-school stories: U-M experts available

August 11, 2014


ANN ARBOR—With the start of a new school year just around the corner, University of Michigan faculty are available as sources for back-to-school stories.

Kristen Chapman, a language learning specialist and educational consultant at the University Center for the Child and Family, can discuss learning disabilities, ADHD, school advocacy for special education services, and facilitating communication between parents and school to support children’s success. Contact: (734) 358-6438 or [email protected]

Dr. Ronald Chervin, the Michael S. Aldrich Collegiate Professor of Sleep Medicine and professor of neurology, heads the U-M Sleep Disorders Center and has studied how sleep disorders affect behavior in children. He can discuss the importance of sleep to a child’s behavior and performance in school, and give tips on easing children into the school-year sleep schedule. Contact: (734) 647-9064 or [email protected]

Pamela Davis-Kean, associate professor of psychology and associate professor at the Institute for Social Research and Center for Human Growth and Development, can discuss the role that families, schools and significant figures play in the development of children; the development of self-esteem across the lifespan; and gender and math achievement. Contact: (734) 647-3877 or [email protected]

Ashley Gearhardt, assistant professor of psychology, conducts research examining factors that lead to excess food consumption. Her published work includes a study about teens had high brain activity during food commercials compared to nonfood commercials. Contact: (734) 647-3920 or [email protected]

Daphna Oyserman, professor of social work and psychology and a researcher at the Institute for Social Research, can discuss research she conducted on how cultural mindsets and identities can be used to improve important life outcomes, including academic performance and mental and physical health. Contact: (734) 647-7622 or [email protected]

Ronald Miller, assistant director of instructional technology at the School of Education, can address what devices a child should have when the or she goes away to school for the first time. He also can discuss what devices new student teachers heading to their first teaching job will need to maximize the classroom learning experience for students. Contact: (734) 417-2880 or [email protected]

Dr. Eden Wells, clinical associate professor of epidemiology and director of the Preventive Medicine Residency at the School of Public Health, can talk about what vaccines children need at what age. She has research interests in emerging infectious disease threats, applied epidemiology and public health practice, including preparedness planning for public health emergency events. She formerly was with the Michigan Department of Community Health. Wells organized and facilitated the Michigan Pandemic Influenza Coordinating Committee and assisted the development of Michigan’s State Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan utilized during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic. Contact: (734) 647-5306 or [email protected]