More than 200 high school science students and teachers to compete in U-M Physics Olympiad
DATE: 10 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. May 6, 2006.
EVENT: Airplanes will whiz and laser beams bounce at the 2006 Physics Olympiad at the University of Michigan, in which more than 200 students and teachers are registered to participate. One of the most photogenic events will include high school students building a water-balloon catcher and a catapult capable of hurling standard-size water balloons 50 feet. During the event, the operation of the catapult is triggered by a student. A teacher will operate the water-balloon catcher to cushion and receive the balloons so as to prevent them from rupturing.
Other events include:
“Physics Bowl: All Olympiad Teams are automatically registered for this event. A series of 15-20 simple physics demonstrations will be described by a U-M faculty member. A question about each demonstration will be posed for the teams to consider. Each team will then come to a consensus answer. Answers for each question will be provided by watching the demonstration.
“Laser Maze: A laser is guided through an optical maze onto a bull’s-eye target. Three mirrors must be aligned such that the laser beam bounces off all mirrors and passes through circular apertures placed in specified areas along the beam path. The laser is turned off during most of the alignment procedure.
“Think or Sink: Teams of two to three students construct a barge from the materials provided before the contest. Points toward the final score are awarded for a quiz and for the maximal amount of weight the barge can carry before it sinks. Both the building and the loading of the boat have to be performed within a specified time limit determined by the judges.
“Thermo Gauge: Each team is given a kit consisting of various electronics parts to design a home-built thermometer. During the competition the students will conduct several measurements that will allow them to calibrate their thermometer. The calibrated thermometers are then used to determine the temperatures of various unknown liquids.
“Delta Dart: Teams of two to three students construct two simple rubber-powered model airplanes from inexpensive commercial kits. Points toward the final score are awarded for a quiz and for flight performance.
“ElectroLauncher: Participants design and build an electromagnetic launcher.
PLACE: U-M Central Campus in various locations. The welcoming ceremony is in 340 West Hall. Please see the Olympiad event schedule for more details.
SPONSORS: Physics Department, FOCUS
TO REGISTER: This is a free event. Spectators are welcome.