Back-to-school topics: U-M experts available

August 16, 2016


Summer is almost over, which means it’s time for students to return to school. University of Michigan experts can discuss various back-to-school topics.

Role of parents in children’s academic success

Sandra Tang, a researcher at the Institute for Social Research, has examined parents’ responses to their children’s academic setbacks and how those setbacks relate to their subsequent academic achievement.

Contact: 734-936-2991, [email protected]

Gender and math achievement

Pamela Davis-Kean, professor of psychology and research professor at the Institute for Social Research, is an expert on the influence of parent education and family income on child achievement. She also has conducted research on gender and math achievement.

Contact: 734-763-0490, [email protected]

Technology tools help students succeed

Liz Kolb, clinical assistant professor at the School of Education, can talk about what technological tools students need to succeed in school.

“Digital literacy is becoming as important as traditional reading and writing. If children are not able to effectively navigate digital resources in the world today, they are at a significant disadvantage. Teachers need to understand how to teach with technology tools so their students can be prepared to effectively live in the world around them.”

Contact: 734-649-2563, [email protected]

Education inequality

Susan Dynarski, professor of public policy, education and economics, can discuss charter schools, inequality in education, student loans and financial aid for college.

Contact: 734-615-5113, [email protected]

Good writing is important

Anne Curzan, an Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of English, holds faculty appointments in the Department of Linguistics and the School of Education. Her research focuses on the history of the English language, attitudes about language change, and language and gender. She can discuss the importance of good writing for kids and how parents can encourage it.

Contact: 734-615-1318, [email protected]

Parents should monitor their children’s digital identities

Scott Campbell, the Pohs Professor of Telecommunications and associate professor of communication studies, is an expert on mobile communication behaviors and consequences. He can discuss the importance of parents snooping into their kids’ digital identities, especially during the school year, to prevent bullying.

Contact: 734-764-8106 [email protected]

Sports and substance use

Philip Veliz, research assistant professor at the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, conducts research on the sociology of sport, substance use and the impact of sport within public education.

Contact: 734-764-4186, [email protected]

Eating healthy food important

Ashley Gearhardt, assistant professor of psychology, can discuss food addition and its link to obesity.

Contact: 734-647-3920, [email protected]