Big House Renovations to Improve Game-Day Experience

June 2, 2006

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Improved concessions, more restrooms, wider seats and aisles, a new press box, and the addition of enclosed seating are among the improvements to Michigan Stadium in a renovation plan approved by the University of Michigan Board of Regents today (Friday, May 19).

The plan is designed to modernize the 80-year-old stadium and improve the game-day experience for all U-M football fans, said U-M President Mary Sue Coleman and Athletic Director William C. Martin.

The Regents also approved the hiring of HNTB Architecture to design the project. The expected cost of $226 million will be funded through private donations and Athletic Department resources, primarily the revenues generated by the new seating.

“Michigan Stadium is a treasure,” Coleman said.” Generations of Michigan alumni, faculty, staff, students and fans have a stake in it. It is precisely because it is so valued that I feel such a deep responsibility to renew its aging infrastructure and attend to its most pressing needs.”

“The Stadium has undergone many significant changes throughout its history, and this project will represent another major change to its appearance,” Martin said.” As the stadium enters this new phase, we will make certain that the renovations are of high quality. We will respect the stadium’s tradition and character.”

Martin noted that the renovation plan has been guided by several core principles, including having a positive impact on fan experience and safety, maintaining or increasing existing capacity, not limiting future opportunities for additional expansion or other modifications, and having a sound financial plan.

The Athletic Department conducted an extensive amount of research in developing the renovation plan, including surveys of fans and ticketholders, focus groups and market research.” We are confident from our fan surveys over the years and the experience of peer institutions that most fans will support changes that both renovate and expand the stadium, and help sustain our long-term athletic excellence,” Martin said.

Specific improvements to the stadium will include an increase in the number and quality of restrooms; an increase in the number of concession stands and a greater variety of fare; widening the aisles and seats; adding handrails; increasing the number of points of entry and exit for improved crowd circulation and a safer environment; and adding dedicated seating for fans with impaired mobility.

The overall plan includes building two multi-story structures on both the east and west sides of the stadium; the end zones will remain open. The west-side structure will include an elevated concourse, a new press box for media and game operations, new” club” seats with chairbacks, and enclosed seating. The east-side structure will include an elevated concourse with new concessions and restrooms, and additional indoor and outdoor seating.

Approximately 83 suites and 3,200 club seats will be added in total. Other actions, such as widening seats and aisles and adding seating for mobility-impaired fans, will result in the loss of some seats. When the renovations are complete, capacity at the” Big House” will top 108,000.

Statistics provided by the Athletic Department show that modern stadiums serving 70,000-80,000 fans typically have two to three concourses with ramps, stairs, elevators, restrooms, first aid and concessions on each level. Michigan Stadium, currently serving over 107,000 fans, has one main concourse around the perimeter of the facility, with a smaller concourse embedded below the east stands.

The construction work will occur over a period of four years and will not interrupt home football games.

The Athletic Department will work with HNTB over the next several months to develop schematic designs for the project, which will be brought back to the Board of Regents for approval. Martin said he will continue to look for opportunities to seek public input as the project moves forward.

Action Request Approved by Regents