Regents approve administrative appointments
ANN ARBOR—Administrative appointments approved by the University of Michigan Regents at their Sept. 16-17 meeting included:
Noreen M. Clark, the Marshall H. Becker Collegiate Professor of Public health and professor of health behavior and health education, was re-appointed as dean of the School of Public Health, effective Robert Jon Feigal, professor of dentistry, was re-appointed as interim associate dean for academic affairs in the School of Dentistry, Oct. 1, 1999-Sept. 30, 2000.
Frederick Cooper will serve as chair of the Department of History, effective Sept. 1, 1999-Christophe Pierre, professor of mechanical engineering, will be associate dean for academic programs and initiatives in the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, effective Sept. 1, 1999-Aug. 31, 2002.
Sherril A. Smith, associate dean for graduate studies, the Catherine B. Heller Collegiate Professor of Art and professor of art, will serve as interim dean of the School of Art and Design, effective Jindrich Toman, professor of Slavic languages and literatures, will serve as chair of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, effective Chelsea C. White, III, professor of industrial and operations engineering and professor of electrical engineering and computer science, will serve as interim chair of the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, effective Aug. 16, 1999-Norman Yoffee, professor of Near Eastern studies and professor of anthropology, will be acting chair of the Department of Near Eastern Studies, effective Sept. 1, 1999-Dec. 31, 1999.
John R. Chamberlin, professor of political science, professor of public policy and interim dean of the School of Public Policy, will serve as associate dean of the School, effective Aug. 1, 1999-Aug. 31, 2000.
Timothy L. Colenback, coordinator of academic programs in the School of Social Work, will be interim assistant dean for student services, effective Nov. 1.
Linda H. Gillum, assistant dean for student programs at the Medical School, will become the U-M’s assistant provost for academic affairs, effective Sept. 1.
Wendy Scott Keeney, interim assistant dean for development and external relations for the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, will become the College’s assistant dean for development and external relations, effective Sept. 1.
dentistryFrederick CooperChristophe PierreSherril A. SmithJindrich Toman