Student Kiwanis group committed to community service

December 20, 1999

ANN ARBOR—For most college students, the last day of classes means partying and relaxing one more time before final exams begin. But for one group of University of Michigan students, the last day of classes is just another opportunity to serve the community.
Meet Circle K, 165 U-M students dedicated to service, leadership and friendship. They will be spending their last day of classes caroling at the Riverview Nursing Home. This is, of course, after they wrap gifts for Habitat for Humanity, and before they help decorate the Arbor Hospice. “We do a lot for families during the holidays,” said club president Katie Foley, of Rochester, Mich. “It’s one of our busiest times.”
The U-M Circle K is one of many campus clubs that make up Circle K International, an organization sponsored by Kiwanis International. The Ann Arbor Eastern Kiwanis is the supporting club for the U-M Circle K, according to Jim Blow, Circle K’s Kiwanis adviser. “The main focus for both Kiwanis and Circle K is service,” said Blow. “We work together to ensure that U-M students are provided with the chance to help others.”
And members of Circle K get that chance. Its members work closely with the Hope Clinic of Ypsilanti, an organization that provides health care and services to people in need. Currently, Circle K is helping the clinic start the Oasis Caf