U-M Diversity Blueprints Task Force begins work

February 5, 2007

ANN ARBOR—The university-wide Diversity Blueprints Task Force has convened to begin its work to engage the University of Michigan community in developing fresh, innovative approaches to sustain and enhance diversity at U-M.

Announced in November by President Mary Sue Coleman and Provost Teresa A. Sullivan, Diversity Blueprints is an integral part of the University’s efforts to reaffirm its commitment to the educational value of diversity and to assure equal treatment of groups and individuals based on race, gender, color, ethnicity, or national origin. The task force met Dec. 19.

Diversity Blueprints will make initial recommendations to President Coleman on Feb. 15, 2007, and implementation of the most promising ideas will be considered by March 15.

In their announcement, Coleman and Sullivan encouraged the University community to participate in this process. “The ideas submitted may range from general insights to detailed plans. In the true spirit of brainstorming, all ideas will be considered, regardless of how ambitious or unconventional they may seem.”

Diversity Blueprints members include U-M faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

All members of the University community are invited to share their best ideas at public fora on the following dates:

? 4-5 p.m. Jan.10, Sheldon Auditorium, Towsley Center, Medical School
? 9-10 a.m. Jan. 22, Michigan Union Anderson Rooms B, C, and D
? 11 a.m.-noon Feb. 7, East Room, Pierpont Commons, North Campus
? 4-5 p.m. Feb. 23, East Quad Auditorium

Information about the work of the Diversity Blueprints is available at:

Diversity Blueprints Task Force members include:

Shari Acho, associate athletic director, Department of Athletics
Rebekah Ashley, HRAA academic labor relations
Deborah Ball, dean and professor, School of Education
Percy Bates, professor of education and director, Programs of Educational Opportunity, School of Education
Catherine Benamou, associate professor of American culture and screen arts and cultures
Mary Elizabeth Bunn, alumna
Courtney Cogburn, graduate student and president of Students of Color of Rackham
Elizabeth Cole, associate professor of women’s studies and Afroamerican and African studies
Philip Deloria, professor of history and director, program in American Culture
Angela Dillard, associate professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and associate professor in the Residential College
Anthony England, professor of electrical engineering and computer science, and associate dean, College of Engineering
Billy J. Evans, professor emeritus of chemistry
Jamila Fair, undergraduate student
Kevin Gaines, professor of history and professor and director, Center for Afroamerican and African Studies
David Gordon, professor and associate dean, Medical School; chair, University Diversity Council
Patricia Gurin, professor emerita of women’s studies and psychology
Brittany Marino, undergraduate student
Robert Megginson, professor of mathematics and associate dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Lester Monts, senior vice provost and senior counselor to the president, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Music, and Diversity Blueprints Task Force co-chair
Donney Moroney, counselor, Medical School administration
David Munson, dean and professor, College of Engineering
Linda Newman, University Housing, senior associate director/community living
Robert Ortega, associate professor of social work
Scott Page, professor of political science and economics
David Schoem, adjunct associate professor of sociology and director, Michigan Community Scholars Program
Joseph Schwarz, member of Congress (R-MI); alumnus, and chair of the Board of Directors of the U-M Alumni Association
Charles B. Smith, professor of pharmacology; chair, SACUA
Edward St. John, professor of education
Richard Stacy, alumnus
Nicole Stallings, undergraduate student and president of the Michigan Student Assembly
Jim Stapleton, alumnus
Amy Stillman, associate professor of American Culture and program director, program in American Culture
Teresa A. Sullivan, provost and executive vice president, and Diversity Blueprints Task Force co-chair
Perry Teicher, undergraduate student
Sanjaya Thakur, graduate student and president of Rackham Student Government
Monique Washington, director of admissions, Rackham School of Graduate Studies
Grace Wu, psychiatry administration, Medical School
Mieko Yoshihama, professor, School of Social Work.
Evans Young, assistant dean, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Task Force senior administrative advisors

Philip Bowman, director, Center for Institutional Diversity
Sue Eklund, associate vice president and dean of students
Pam Fowler, director, Office of Financial Aid
Carol Hollenshead, director, Center for the Education of Women
Maya Kobersy, assistant general counsel
Richard Lempert, professor of law and sociology
John Matlock, associate vice provost and director, Office of Academic Multicultural Affairs
Laura Patterson, associate vice president for Administration Information Systems
Julie Peterson, associate vice president for Media Relations and Public Affairs
Ted Spencer, associate vice provost and director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Laurita Thomas, associate vice president for Human Resources and Affirmative Action
Anthony Walesby, assistant provost and senior director, Office of Institutional Equity

Task Force coordinators

Crisca Bierwert, associate director, Center for Research on Learning and Teaching (CRLT)
Dilip Das, project manager, special counsel to the Senior Vice Provost
A.T. Miller, coordinator of Multicultural Teaching and Learning in CRLT, and director of Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates in the National Center for Institutional Diversity