Prof. Yu Xie to hold Huetwell Professorship

May 18, 2000

Prof. Yu Xie to hold Huetwell Professorship

ANN ARBOR—Yu Xie, professor of sociology in the University of Michigan’s College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), was named to the Frederick G.L. Huetwell Professorship. The appointment was approved by the U-M Regents at their May 18 meeting.

“Prof. Xie is widely recognized as one of the leading sociological methodologists,” said Shirley Neuman, LSA dean. “He focuses on social mobility, human fertility, stratification, and the history of sociology of science. His articles make path-breaking methodological contributions.

“He is an outstanding teacher combining analytic rigor, strong student support, and personal warmth. He strives to design courses that give students the kinds of manageable challenges that both teach students difficult material and allow them to realize how much they have learned. He has made substantial contributions to the Department of Sociology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.”

Xie joined the U-M faculty in 1989.

Yu Xie