Symposium On Genetics In Public Health

September 14, 2000

ANN ARBOR—The completion of the human genomuue sequence was marveled by scientists and journalists as one of the most significant scientific achievements in history because scientists succeeded in tracing nearly each of the 3 billion bits of the human genetic code.

Its completion highlights an effort in public health to address some very important questions that arise from knowing what’s in your genes. How will public policy change? How do we use this information to improve health and prevent disease? Is there a need for more genetic counseling? Is there a pink slip in your genes? How will our concept of race and ethnicity change?

The U-M School of Public Health will host a symposium on Sept. 18 that will feature—among other notables—Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, as its keynote speaker. The symposium will be followed by the National Conference on Genetics and Disease Prevention, a two-day meeting sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), National Human Genome Research Institute, Michigan Department of Community Health, Association of Schools of Public Health and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. The meetings will take place at the Michigan League.”These two linked conferences are unique in bringing together the organizations which need to connect their efforts if the full promise of genetics is realized in public health practice. This will be the first time that researchers, practitioners, educators and members of the community at large come together nationally to discuss genetics in public health and to consider how to work together effectively,” said Toby Citrin, director of the Office of Community-Based Public Health for the School of Public Health, and one of the conference planners. Talks scheduled for the Sept. 18 public health symposium include:

• “Using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease.” Muin J. Khoury, director of the CDC’s Office of Genetics and Disease Prevention, will describe recent CDC collaborative initiatives in: 1) conducting population research on human genome epidemiology, 2) developing a national genetic testing assessment program, 3) and conducting policy and communication research in genetics and public health.• “Genetics and health promotion: access to genetic resources and services.” Michele Lloyd-Puryear, chief of genetic services of the HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau, will discuss how genetics can help health care professionals better understand the disease process, tailor therapies through pharmacogenomics and screening.

• “Genetics and the community.” How will the community react to the increasing application of genetics in public health programs? Pilar Ossorio, assistant professorof law and medical ethics at the University of Wisconsin Law School, will discuss concerns of racial and ethnic minorities and the need to involve the community in policy making.

• “Genetic discrimination in the workplace.” Paul S. Miller, a commissioner with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, will address the growing concerns about genetic discrimination in the work place and suggest possible methods for addressing discrimination. He will discuss workers’ fears and the reality of genetic discrimination in employment, as well as the application of existing federal statutes, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, state statutes and the limited amount of case law in this area.

• Keynote address: “Public health genetics in a world where the human sequence is known.” With the vast majority of the human genome sequence known, research will soon uncover the major genetic susceptibility factors for most common illnesses in the next 5-7 years. It will create a way to measure the risk of illness and will lead to prevention medicine. Francis Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, will discuss these and other issues.

• Other topics include: Genetics and the Media; Gene Therapy on Trial; Genetic Counseling: Myths ad Realities; Genetics Law and Policy; Role of Genetics in Public Health Prevention Programs. The conference will be broadcast on the Web at: For more information about the conference, visit the Web site of the Association for State and Territorial Health Offices (ASTHO) at: Or, the CDC Web site at:

School of Public HealthMuin J. Khoury