Western Michigan University writer to speak here
Western Michigan University writer to speak here
Western Michigan University writer to speak here
ANN ARBOR—The first writer in the University of Michigan’s visiting writers series, J.D. Dolan, a widely published assistant professor of English at Western Michigan University, will present a fiction reading at Rackham Amphitheater at 5 p.m. on Sept. 21.
Dolan’s work has appeared in Esquire, The Nation, and Best American Sports Writing 1999 and other national publications. His first book, “Phoenix, a Brother’s Life,” was recently published in hardcover by Alfred Knopf, and Vintage Books will soon be publishing a paperback version. He is the recipient of several awards, including the Jeanne Charpiot Goodheart Fiction Prize, and fellowships from the Idaho Commission on the Arts, the Constance Saltonstall and Irving S. Gilmore foundations.
For additional information, contact Ian Reed Twiss at (734) 647-6471.
News and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan
J.D. DolanPhoenix, a Brother’s LifeNews and Information ServicesUniversity of Michigan