Nobel Prize winner Carl Wieman to speak at U-M

March 26, 2003

EVENT: Carl Wieman, a distinguished professor of physics from the University of Colorado, Boulder delivers the third annual Ford Motor Company Distinguished Lecture in Physics, “Bose-Einstein Condensation: Quantum Weirdness at the Lowest Temperature in the Universe.” He won the Nobel Prize in 2002 for finding the Bose-Einstein Condensate, a new form of matter at the coldest temperatures in the universe, which could be the key to constructing an atomic laser that eventually could lead to a better atomic clock and other advanced devices.

TIME: 3:30 p.m. reception, 4 p.m. lecture.

PLACE: Auditorium, 1324 East Hall, 525 East University, on the U-M’s central campus.

SPONSOR: Ford Motor Company; presented by the U-M Physics Department

Related links:

Carl Wieman and the new form of matter

Ford Motor Company Distinguished Lecture in Physics

Ford Motor Company