Madeleine Albright will discuss today’s international institutions
Madeleine Albright will discuss today’s international institutions
DATE: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
EVENT: Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Distinguished Scholar at the William Davidson Institute, will discuss "UN, WTO, IMF: Time for a Change?" in a public talk at the University of Michigan Business School.
Her presentation will highlight today’s international environment, with an assessment of the performance and capabilities of current international institutions and suggestions for restructuring these institutions or creating new ones. Immediately following her talk, Albright will hold a separate Q&A with media. A mult-box will be provided.
PLACE: Hale Auditorium, in the Business School’s Assembly Hall on the corner of Hill and Tappan streets. Central Campus map:
SPONSOR: The William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan Business School
WEB LINKS:[email protected]