Reminder: Auto conference registration continues
Reminder: Auto conference registration continues
DATE: Aug. 2-6, 2004
EVENT: Media can still register for next week’s 39th annual Management Briefing Seminars, the auto industry’s premier conference event.
Featured speakers include Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, Fujio Cho of Toyota, John Devine of General Motors Corp, Ford Motor Co.’s Allan Gilmour, Tom LaSorda of DaimlerChrysler, Nissan’s Hidetoshi Imazu, Frank Horton of Magna and ASC’s Paul Wilbur, along with dozens of other speakers from auto companies, suppliers, related businesses and industries, government and academia.
The week-long event will feature the three-day flagship 2004 Automotive Management Briefing (Aug. 4-6) as well as seminars Aug. 2-3 on world-class manufacturing, product-process development, product life-cycle management and more.
PLACE: Grand Traverse Resort and Spa near Traverse City, Mich.
SPONSORS: Center for Automotive Research (CAR), the University of Michigan Transportation Research Institute’s Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation and the U-M College of Engineering’s Center for Professional Development