U-M president to participate in national summit for research and development

December 2, 2005


U-M president to participate in national summit for research and development

DATE: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 6, 2005

EVENT: University of Michigan President Mary Sue Coleman will participate in the National Summit on Competitiveness: Investing in U.S. Innovation in Washington, D.C. She will join more than 55 CEOs, university presidents, scientists and Bush administration officials who will be pressing for greater funding for research and development and a greater focus on science and mathematics education as well as immigration reform.

The summit will include both a public session, in which CEOs will discuss the competitiveness challenges their companies face, and small, private meetings with cabinet officers to discuss specific policy options to address those challenges.

Further information about the event is available at: http://www.usinnovation.org/ .


By satellite:

11:15 a.m. A satellite-fed interview with Coleman will be available at coordinates to be announced. Please contact Joel Seguine on Dec. 5 for information.

In Washington D.C.

10-11:15 a.m. The summit plenary session is open to the press. Other sessions during the day are closed to the media.

2:30 p.m. News conference.

LOCATION: Department of Commerce Auditorium,1401 Constitution Avenue, NW (intersection of 14th & Constitution Avenue).

To expedite media access to the Department of Commerce, registration is encouraged. Call Daniel Walsch at (703) 993-8780.

Media will enter at the 14th Street entrance of the building.

DETAILS: Media check-in will begin at 7:30 a.m. Cameras and equipment must be in place in the auditorium by 9 a.m. The auditorium will be closed to media 9-9:30 a.m. for sound check and participant briefing. All media will be able to enter the auditorium at 9:30 a.m. prior to the start of the opening session.

Media representatives will be required to show press identification and will pass through magnetometers.


