Symposium: Women in health care and bioscience

February 27, 2008

DATE: 8:15 a.m.-noon March 7, 2008.

EVENT: Women in Health Care & Bioscience Leadership: State of the Knowledge Symposium, a meeting to examine women’s achievement of executive leadership positions in the fields of bioscience and health care, with the goal of sparking a national dialogue regarding the barriers to, importance of and potential for women’s leadership in these growing fields.

The symposium at the University of Michigan will highlight the current status of women in health care and bioscience, break new ground in understanding women’s advancement to key leadership positions, and craft an agenda for future research, education and policy. The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.

Marianne Udow-Phillips, director of the Center for Healthcare Quality & Transformation at the University of Michigan and former director of the Michigan Department of Human Services will deliver the keynote address. Other presenters include Annalisa Jenkins, vice president, full development, Bristol-Myers Squibb; Lois Joy, director of research, Catalyst, Inc.; Ilene Lang, president, Catalyst; Candice Lange, president, Lange Advisors; Paula Lantz, professor and chair, Department of Health Management and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Michigan; and Gail Warden, MHA, president emeritus, Henry Ford Health System.

Abigail Stewart, professor of psychology and women’s studies at U-M, will moderate the morning’s panel discussion.

PLACE: Biomedical Science Research Building Auditorium, 109 Zina Pitcher Place, Ann Arbor. For driving directions and parking information, visit:

SPONSORS: The Women’s Health Program at the University of Michigan Health System, the Griffith Leadership Center at the University of Michigan, and Catalyst, along with gifts from the following U-M sponsors: Health System Human Resources; University Human Resources; National Center for Institutional Diversity; College of Pharmacy; and School of Social Work.

WEB: For more information and to register, visit: