University of Michigan Regents to meet June 19

June 16, 2008

ANN ARBOR—The University of Michigan Board of Regents will hold its monthly meeting at 3 p.m. June 19 in the Regents Room of the Fleming Administration Building.

The University of Michigan FY 09 budget will be on the agenda for consideration. Budgets for the University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers, the University of Michigan-Dearborn and the University of Michigan-Flint, and the budget for Athletics, will be presented as well.

The full regents agenda is available at:

Public comments on agenda items will be taken at the beginning of the meeting. Public comments on nonagenda items will follow the conclusion of regular business.

People with disabilities who need assistance to attend should contact the Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University in advance at (734) 764-3883.

Board of Regents