Accreditation assessment team invites public comment

January 12, 2009

ANN ARBOR—Faculty, staff, students and visitors of the University of Michigan are invited to comment early next month on the activities and policies of the U-M’s Department of Public Safety as part of a national accreditation assessment, DPS Executive Director Ken Magee announced today.

A team of out-of-state assessors from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., (CALEA) will be on campus later this month to examine all aspects of DPS’s policies, procedures, management, operations and support services, Magee said. In order for DPS to achieve the voluntary accreditation status, the assessment team will verify that the department meets the commission’s professional standards by reviewing written materials, conducting interviews with department staff and University members, and visiting offices and other campus locations.

As part of the on-site assessment, members of the community are invited to offer comments at a public information session at 7 p.m. Feb. 2. The session will be conducted in the Kipke Conference Center within the Campus Safety Services Building at 1239 Kipke Drive, just east of Crisler Arena.

“In order to achieve accreditation, our department must show it complies with more than 400 standards,” Magee said. “Accreditation is a highly prized recognition of law enforcement professional excellence. Once we become accredited, we must submit annual reports for three years to show continued compliance with those standards.”

Individuals who are unable to attend the public information session may provide comments by telephone or in writing. To comment by phone, call (734) 615-8886 on Feb. 2 between 1 and 3 p.m. Those wishing to offer written comments are requested to write: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA), 10302 Eaton Place, Suite 100, Fairfax, Virginia, 22030-2215.

Telephone comments as well as appearances at the public information session are limited to 10 minutes and must address the agency’s ability to comply with CALEA’s standards. A copy of the standards is available at the DPS main office at 1239 Kipke Drive in Ann Arbor.

The team of assessors is scheduled to be: Chief (Ret.) Robin D. Geis of Franklin University (Ohio), Captain (Ret.) Philip Patrone of Roanoke (Va.) County Police Department and Sgt. Curtis Winn of the Prairie Village (Kan.) Police Department.

Once the CALEA assessors complete their review of DPS, they will report to the full Commission, which then will decide if accreditation is to be granted. Accreditation is for three years.

For more information regarding the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc., visit or write the Commission at 10302 Eaton Place, Suite 100, Fairfax, VA, 22030-2215.; or call (800) 368-3757 or (703) 352-4225.