‘Mapping the River’ performance melds science and art

February 11, 2009

DATES: 5:15 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 12, and Friday, Feb. 13, 2009 and 2 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 14.

EVENT: An interdisciplinary team of University of Michigan faculty members and students collaborated on this 45- minute performance work about the Huron River. The intricately layered piece interweaves live and recorded music, dance, video and poetry.

The endless cycle of water inspires the work: rainfall trickling into headwaters streams that form the Huron, which flows to the Great Lakes and on to the ocean, where clouds bring more rain and renew the cycle.

PLACE: Duderstadt Center Video Studio, 2281 Bonisteel Blvd., U-M North Campus, Ann Arbor.

The U-M team includes:

–Sara Adlerstein, School of Natural Resources and Environment

–Evan Chambers, School of Music, Theatre & Dance

–Jessica Fogel, School of Music, Theatre & Dance

–Joseph Gramley, School of Music, Theatre & Dance

–Doug Hesseltine, School of Art and Design

–Keith Taylor, Department of English, College of Literature, Science and the Arts

–Christi Vedejs: videographer, writer and video editor

SPONSOR: U-M Arts on Earth program

NOTE: The performances are free and open to the public; seating is limited.