Employer healthcare cost containment starts with a healthy community
DATE: 8 a.m.-4 p.m. March 18, 2009.
EVENT: 28th Annual Wellness in the Workplace Conference, hosted by the Health Management Recource Center, University of Michigan.
Seven of the nation’s leading authorities in healthcare cost containment, health promotion and employee health management will discuss the importance of stopping the declining health of American workers before trying to reverse the downward trend. They’ll use research and experience to explain the underlying problems of escalating healthcare costs, low productivity, what makes some company-sponsored health management programs successful and how to build healthy a community. Nearly 300 health management professionals, corporate wellness program administrators and corporate benefits program managers will attend.
Presentations by:
? Dr. James Galloway, assistant U.S. surgeon general, Region V Health Administrator?”Building Healthier Communities”
? Dr. Michael Parkinson, president, American College of Preventive Medicine?”Next Generation Prevention: The Foundation of Health and Productivity”
? D.W. Edington, director, U-M Health Management Research Center?”Zero Trends: Health as a Serious Economic Strategy”
? Dr. David Hunnicutt, president, Wellness Councils of America?”The Art & Science of Building a ‘Zero Trends’ Workplace Wellness Program”
? G. Thomas Welch, human resources director, benefits & services, PPG Industries?”The Clinical and Economic Aspects of the Health Management Program at PPG”
? Dr. Alberto Colombi, corporate medical director, PPG Industries?”The Clinical and Economic Aspects of the Health Management Program at PPG”
? Dr. Catherine Baase, global director of health services, Dow Chemical Co.?”When Wellness Matters: Culture as a Part of Health Strategy”
PLACE: The Four Points by Sheraton Conference Center, 3200 Boardwalk, Ann Arbor.
COST: Registration fee $185. Lunch included.
EXHIBIT SPACE: For non-profit organizations only. Includes tabletop space (3′ x 4′) to display brochures, pamphlets, or other materials. Space not guaranteed. Exhibit fee is included in registration. Must attend to exhibit. Call: (734) 936-2799.
SPONSOR: Health Management Research Center, University of Michigan
WEB LINKS: Directions: http://www.fourpointsannarbor.com/location.html