Ross School will feature nonprofit entrepreneurship projects
DATE: 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Oct. 6, 2006.
EVENT: Ross School of Business Domestic Corps Showcase.
PLACE: Rackham Graduate School Amphitheatre.
BACKGROUND: The Ross School of Business Domestic Corps, an internship program for business students interested in nonprofit entrepreneurship, will showcase students’ summer projects and their potential impact on the nonprofits at which they worked.
“Nonprofits are known for their vision and societal commitment, but they often lack the resources to integrate business tools and models into their organization,” said Leslie Lemons, managing director of Domestic Corps. “Our program fills the gap by matching the business expertise and knowledge of our interns with nonprofits’ ‘real-time’ needs. “
Bo Burlingham, author of ” Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big” and co-author of Inc. magazine’s ” Street Smarts,” will give the keynote address. He will discuss how critical entrepreneurial leadership skills benefit nonprofit CEOs in their quest to create ” great” small organizations.
In addition, the event will feature a panel of nonprofit executives, including Ross School alumnus Steve Mariotti, president of the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship. Mariotti founded NFTE in 1987 to teach entrepreneurship to young people from low-income communities and improve their business, academic and life skills.
Other panelists include: Eileen Spring, executive director of Food Gatherers; Paul Saginaw, founder of Food Gatherers and co-owner of Zingerman’s; Debbie Hinde, president and CEO of Vital Bridges; Bill Bryan, executive director of the Cook Center for Sustainable Agriculture in the American West; Bill Yellowtail, senior project specialist at the Cook Center; Judy Van Ginkel, president of Every Child Succeeds; and volunteer Alan
Spector of Every Child Succeeds.
Ross students worked with more than two dozen Domestic Corps nonprofits this summer, including Habitat for Humanity, Harlem Children’s Zone, Mexicantown Community Development Corp., Navajo Nation Division of Economic Development, Southwest Detroit Business Association, Teach for America, Urban Ecology Institute and more.
SPONSOR: Domestic Corps Program at the U-M’s Stephen M. Ross School of Business.
WEB LINKS: For the full schedule, student project descriptions, speaker bios and to register, go to