U-M event: Profiles in Leadership: Conversations with Betsy Myers and Michigan Leaders
DATE: May 19, 2010.
EVENT: “Profiles in Leadership” will feature Betsy Myers, who served as chief operating officer of President Obama’s 2008 campaign, President Clinton’s White House senior adviser on women, and executive director of Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government Center for Public Leadership. Michigan leaders from various sectors will discuss leadership during panel sessions.
Morning Session: 8:30-11:30 a.m.
Myers will be interviewed on leading in lean times by Dr. Ora Pescovitz, executive vice president for Medical Affairs CEO, U-M Health System.
Leading in Lean Times panel:
Stephanie Hickman Boyse, president and CEO, Brazeway, Inc.; Jim Haudan, CEO, Root Learning, Inc.; Anthony Denton, senior associate director and COO, UMHHC; and Rob Pasick., psychologist and executive coach, founder of LeadersConnect.
Panel moderator: Anne Berens, assistant vice provost for academic and budgetary affairs.
Afternoon Session: 1-4:30 p.m.
Myers will be interviewed on creating successful women leaders by Teresa Sullivan, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs.
Creating Successful Women Leaders Panel:
Dan Mulhern, Michigan’s First Gentleman; Gloria Thomas, director, Center for the Education of Women; Suehaila Mohsen Amen, vice president Lebanese American Heritage Club; Gloria Hage, general counsel, Eastern Michigan University; Deborah Loewenberg Ball, dean, U-M School of Education.
Panel moderator: Betsy Myers.
PLACE: Rackham Auditorium, 915 E. Washington St.
SPONSORS: Center for the Education of Women, Frances and Sydney Lewis Visiting Leaders Fund and U-M Human Resource Development
WEB: For additional information, visit: www.umich.edu/~hrd/specialevents/betsymyers.html