Health risks of new technologies will be topic of U-M conference
DATE: Sept. 20-21, 2011
EVENT: “Risk, Uncertainty and Sustainable Innovation,” a two-day international conference, will address health risks that may arise from new technologies and look at ways how government and industry can work together to develop technology that’s safe, successful and sustainable.
More than 40 leading experts from industry, government, academia and nongovernment sectors will discuss new advances and safety challenges involved in developing new technologies. They will speak individually and in panels.
John Viera, director of sustainability environment and safety engineering at Ford Motor Co., will deliver the first day keynote, “Innovate or perish: Why innovation and sustainability are critical to economic and social growth in the 21st century.”
Speakers will also address new approaches to ensuring sustainable development, and how to respond to health risks posed by emerging technologies.
“In today’s technologically complex and hyper-connected world, technology innovation will only succeed if we are equally innovative in how we ensure its safe and sustainable development,” said symposium chair Andrew Maynard, director of the U-M Risk Science Center and professor at the U-M School of Public Health. “This is an opportunity to work together to think outside the box about risk, sustainability and new technologies.”
SPONSOR: U-M Risk Science Center
PLACE: Palmer Commons, 4th Floor, 100 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor (
REGISTRATION: Reporters are invited to attend the event free of charge, but should RSVP to Laura Bailey at (734) 355-2100.