For Good or Ill? Affirmative Action for Women

October 10, 2006

DATE:4 p.m. Oct. 18, 2006.

EVENT: A public lecture by Kathy Rodgers, nationally recognized expert on women and the law. The debate about affirmative action has generally overlooked gender. Yet civil rights laws and affirmative action initiatives have been the bulwark of women’s advancement. Rodgers will discuss the implications for women of recent policy changes and court decisions. She will address such issues as: Title IX, equal pay, employment discrimination and the implications of Proposal 2, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative, from a national perspective.

Rodgers currently serves as president of Legal Momentum and has more than 20 years of experience working to assure women’s legal rights and create innovative public policy. Founded in 1970, Legal Momentum has employed cutting edge legal, legislative, and educational strategies to secure equality and justice for women. Rodgers is a 2006 Center for the Education of Women Frances and Sydney Lewis Visiting Leader.

PLACE: Rackham Assembly Hall, 4th Floor, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, 915 E. Washington St. Central Campus map:

SPONSORS: Center for the Education of Women, University of Michigan; Co-sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, LS&A Women’s Studies Program and the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

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