ADVISORY—Two sources for Labor Day stories
ANN ARBOR—If you’re in need of sources for stories related to Labor Day, the following University of Michigan experts are available to comment on labor and trade union issues:
Michael H. Belzer, an assistant research scientist at the U-M Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations and associate director of the U-M Trucking Industry Program, is a nationally known expert on the Teamsters and trucking industry organization, labor-management relations and employment policy. His research interests also include the construction industry, regulation, the labor market, health and safety, and labor-management participation. He can be reached at (734) 647-9474 or at [email protected].
Sean P. McAlinden, an associate research scientist and manager of economic studies at the U-M’s Office for the Study of Automotive Transportation, is an authority on the UAW and has studied the economic significance of the motor vehicle industry, employment forecasting, manufacturing productivity, transportation demand and international trade. He can be reached at (734) 764-5592 or at [email protected].
For assistance on these and other labor related stories, contact Bernie DeGroat, at work (734) 647-1847. or at home (810) 750-0722.