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Regents approve tenure appointments
April 9, 2007
It bloomed. It was beautiful. Now what?
April 9, 2007
$14.8 million in gifts received in November
April 9, 2007
Advisory: Officials declare inclement weather period
April 9, 2007
1998-99 research expenditures nearly a half billion dollars
April 9, 2007
Helen Vendler to lecture on Robert Lowell
April 9, 2007
Medical School bioinformatics receives $4 million from HHMI
April 9, 2007
U-M is first University to host major dental and research program
April 9, 2007
Cigarette smoking among American teens
April 9, 2007
Are you “High Testosterone” and is that good?
April 9, 2007
Help child and parent together to overcome intimate partner violence
April 5, 2007
An ULTrA idea: Connect adults with cerebral palsy to virtual trainers at home
April 5, 2007
Katrina hero Lt. General Russel Honor
April 5, 2007
U-M Law School conference to offer perspectives on law, democracy
April 5, 2007
The stress of war harms civilian men more than women
April 4, 2007
Device screens patients in minutes for periodontal disease
April 4, 2007
One woman’s history: a colorful journal
April 2, 2007
Asymmetric journalism
April 2, 2007
Demographic changes predict regional U.S. voting patterns
April 2, 2007
Media scenes of Israeli-Palestinian violence can foster negative stereotypes for teens
March 30, 2007