All Stories

  1. U-M boomer making her mark on government October 26, 2006
  2. Insights into honey bee sex gene could bring sweet success in breeding October 26, 2006
  3. U-M study: Suicide attempt rate for blacks higher than previously reported October 26, 2006
  4. Pleasure and pain: Study shows brain’s ” pleasure chemical” is involved in response to pain, too October 25, 2006
  5. Tall girls, short boys: Using hormone therapy to shape children’s height to social norms October 25, 2006
  6. First detailed pictures of asteroid reveal bizarre system October 24, 2006
  7. Researchers awarded $1.2 million training grant for cancer epidemiology October 23, 2006
  8. Experiences of racial discrimination harm mental and physical health October 23, 2006
  9. U-M Department of Dance earns accreditation; recognition bolsters international reputation October 23, 2006
  10. Experts available on athletes, World Series impact October 21, 2006
  11. University investments post strong gains October 20, 2006
  12. Saturday Morning Physics lecture series resumes for the fall October 20, 2006
  13. Michigan Memorial Phoenix Energy Institute October 20, 2006
  14. Left and right hands rely on different senses October 19, 2006
  15. Embattled lives: mastodon tusk ‘scars’ record a history of combat October 19, 2006
  16. Looking like an in-group member plays factor in school performance: U-M study October 19, 2006
  17. Research: Proposal 2 could have ‘adverse health effects’ on state’s minorities October 18, 2006
  18. Curtain rises on Royal Shakespeare Co. residency, long-term cultural-economic impact expected October 17, 2006
  19. New U-M Ford School building: More programs, vibrant learning environment October 17, 2006
  20. Scientific integrity October 17, 2006