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Regents approve professorship appointments
February 17, 2000
Regents approve administrative appointments
February 17, 2000
$21.6 million gifts in January
February 17, 2000
New study shows link between hopelessness and hypertension
February 17, 2000
Search committee appointed for athletic director
February 16, 2000
A “once-in-a-millennium” experience
February 16, 2000
Dr. Peter Ma wins prestigious Du Pont Award
February 16, 2000
Freeze or fry: physicist predicts solar system’s ultimate fate
February 15, 2000
Digital Library features African American poets in database
February 15, 2000
Old world origins of first Americans revealed in analysis of skulls
February 15, 2000
White Opposition to Affirmative Action
February 15, 2000
Regents meet Feb. 17
February 14, 2000
Groups receive funding for community service projects
February 14, 2000
Statement on Michigan Union sit-in
February 13, 2000
New gallery space to be opened
February 11, 2000
Lab sponsors competition for e-commerce robots
February 10, 2000
20th century was the warmest of the last five centuries
February 10, 2000
Standing in the way of patients’ rights to sue
February 10, 2000
University officials meet with Students of Color Coalition
February 10, 2000
UMTV wins Communicator Awards
February 10, 2000