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Rare Chinese paintings exhibited at Museum of Art
January 18, 2000
Regents meet Jan. 20-21
January 17, 2000
Dell funds education research initiatives
January 14, 2000
President Bollinger statement on investigation of former booster
January 13, 2000
Advisory: Community Dental Center Open House
January 13, 2000
Business School forums on presidential election and economy
January 13, 2000
New Michigan seat belt law may greatly increase belt use
January 13, 2000
Stadium letters to be removed
January 12, 2000
Prof. Warren Wagner, leading expert on ferns, died at age 80
January 12, 2000
Church attendance drops
January 11, 2000
Astronomer says black holes influenced galactic evolution
January 10, 2000
New study suggests big bang theory of human evolution
January 10, 2000
Tribute to Russian philosopher/composer heralds new millennium
January 10, 2000
Regents will meet Jan. 20-21
January 7, 2000
Prof. Stephen Pollock named to Herrick Professorship
January 7, 2000
Advisory: 2000 Automotive New World Congress
January 6, 2000
NSF grant to fund research of security and personal privacy
January 6, 2000
President Bollinger to address Sigma Xi about status of research
January 5, 2000
Off-Campus Housing Fair set for Jan. 10
January 5, 2000
Exhibit Museum and Ann Arbor Library about to “rock”
January 4, 2000