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Sex on TV: affects teen attitudes and expectations
August 19, 1999
Women think, men drink
August 17, 1999
Unwanted childbirth may affect mother’s other children
August 17, 1999
Life of a Gladiator
August 17, 1999
Ultrasound, MRI changing their images
August 16, 1999
Heart valve reconstruction operation
August 16, 1999
Good economic times will continue, but interest rates will creep up
August 13, 1999
Solar car set to sail for Down Under
August 12, 1999
Court of Appeals rules to allow intervenors to participate
August 10, 1999
3rd Annual Fun Run kicks off school year
August 10, 1999
Feeling like you belong instrumental in overcoming depression
August 10, 1999
School of Information expands dual-degree offerings
August 9, 1999
Catching babies’ hearing problems early
August 9, 1999
School of Dentistry to help football team
August 5, 1999
Michigan Quarterly Review features Detroit theme
August 3, 1999
Get it free through MEL
August 3, 1999
Michigan Sea Grant publications help make summer safer, more interesting
July 30, 1999
Four Michigan residents to receive full-ride academic scholarships
July 30, 1999
Scientists identify genes that make blood “thicker,” more likely to clot as we get older
July 28, 1999
University informs licensees of factory site disclosure requirement
July 26, 1999