Award-winning journalist Woodward to speak about the Ford years
DATE: 7:30 p.m. April 4, 2006.
EVENT: Bob Woodward, noted author and award-winning journalist with The Washington Post, will give the keynote speech during the 25th anniversary celebration of the Ford Presidential Library and Museum. Reservations are no longer being accepted but media is invited to attend.
Woodward has worked for The Washington Post since 1971. He has won nearly every American journalism award. The Pulitzer Prize was given to the Post in 1973 for the reporting of Woodward and Carl Bernstein on the Watergate scandal.
Woodward won the Gerald R. Ford Prize for Distinguished Reporting on the Presidency in 2003.
Ford Library
The library collects and preserves archival materials on U.S. domestic issues, foreign relations and political affairs during the Cold War era. Current holdings include 21 million pages of memos, letters, meeting notes, reports and other historical documents. Also there are one-half million audiovisual items, including photographs, videotapes of news broadcasts, audiotapes of speeches and press briefings, film of public events, and televised campaign commercials.
The 1974-77 presidential papers of Gerald Ford and his White House staff form the core collection. These are supplemented by the pre- and post-presidential papers of Gerald Ford, the papers of Betty Ford and collections of Federal records. The library is located on the North Campus of the University of Michigan, Gerald Ford’s alma mater (B.A., 1935).
The Ford Library is part of the Presidential libraries system of the National Archives and Records Administration, a Federal agency. Unlike other presidential libraries, the museum component is geographically separate from the library/archives. The Ford Museum is in Grand Rapids—Ford’s hometown and the congressional district he represented from 1949-73.
AVAILABILITY: Bob Woodward won’t be available for interviews before or after his talk. Media questions may be asked during the audience question-and-answer session.
PLACE: Gerald R. Ford Library, 1000 Beal Ave. North Campus map. Map:
EVENT CONTACT: Donna Lehman, (734) 205-0555.