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Arts & Culture
New method for gene expression experiments akin to watercolor painting in water
August 18, 2009
Hoarders vs. spartans
August 18, 2009
Water quality improves after lawn fertilizer ban, study shows
August 17, 2009
U-M participating in Challenge for Arts and Culture
August 14, 2009
Bike camp moves challenged kids toward independence
August 14, 2009
U-M plans largest ever investment in financial aid
August 13, 2009
A matter of taste: Food ads work better if all senses are involved
August 13, 2009
Music is the engine of new U-M lab-on-a-chip device
August 12, 2009
Engineering projects, partnerships promise to boost economy
August 10, 2009
Dingell to discuss the leadership of U-M engineering in boosting local economy
August 10, 2009
Climate caused biodiversity booms and busts in ancient plants and mammals
August 6, 2009
U-M to receive funds to prepare workforce for green technology
August 6, 2009
Educate yourself to boost achievement in kids
August 6, 2009
Study shows how college major and religious faith affect each other
August 4, 2009
When eating and dieting, follow your gut
August 4, 2009
Higher gas prices help reduce emissions
August 4, 2009
U-M’s Rocky Mountain Field Station celebrates 80th anniversary with new housing, expanded course offerings
July 31, 2009
Great Lakes monitoring network grows; partnership with Michigan company
July 31, 2009
Weekends at Ross
July 30, 2009
Game utilizes human intuition to help computers solve complex problems
July 28, 2009