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Arts & Culture
Super-fast quantum search achieved with individual atoms
December 1, 2005
U-M hosts human health and animal disease discussion
December 1, 2005
Social support curbs depression among African-Americans
August 31, 2005
Families need help coping with loved one’s cancer, too
August 30, 2005
U-M Law School’s “Roberts” compilation becomes U.S. Library of Congress resource
August 29, 2005
U-M prepares for move-in, 6,000 freshmen
August 25, 2005
Family Myths: New book uncovers their origins
August 25, 2005
Listen: The sounds of painting
August 25, 2005
U-M European Union Center awarded grant
August 24, 2005
Elderly with disabilities benefit from multiple forms of caregiving
August 23, 2005
Asthma inhaler abuse associated with other drug use in teens
August 22, 2005
Face the facts: Female politians suffer from “face-ism”
August 22, 2005
U-M joins IWW celebration of 100 years of labor activism
August 17, 2005
Teen height predicts adult earnings
August 16, 2005
Widowed elders have less stress living closer to children
August 16, 2005
Look out: Asteroid’s near-miss may be home run for scientists
August 16, 2005
U.S. economy: Slower growth, but more jobs and lower oil prices
August 15, 2005
U-M student picked for history honor
August 9, 2005
Researchers synthesize tooth enamel’s structure in the lab
August 4, 2005
Long prison sentences have minimal effects on young criminals
August 4, 2005