Arts & Culture

  1. Migraines cost employers millions in productivity, but interventions can help August 8, 2002
  2. U-M professor develops faster way to test beach water for E. coli levels August 7, 2002
  3. U-M communications professor emeritus Edward Stasheff died Aug. 3 at 93 August 7, 2002
  4. Researchers at U-M SNRE to discuss changing American landscape at Ecological Society annual meeting August 5, 2002
  5. From electoral laws to campaign surveys, the University of Michigan has several faculty members available to comment about Tuesday’s state primary August 2, 2002
  6. A look at development, rural trends, birds August 2, 2002
  7. Mary Sue Coleman August 1, 2002
  8. Purple Loosestrife August 1, 2002
  9. Mary Sue Coleman becomes 13th president August 1, 2002
  10. Non-resident students help states financially, study shows July 31, 2002
  11. Lifestyle leads to disease, Health Management Research Center study shows July 30, 2002
  12. How segregated is your city? Find the answer fast with U-M website July 29, 2002
  13. Artist and geneticist Hunter O’Reilly brings exhibit to Michigan Sept. 3-26 July 29, 2002
  14. When to trust the polls: ISR researcher talks sense about surveys July 29, 2002
  15. More quality, not more weight, may make vehicles safer July 25, 2002
  16. Looking back on a summer vacation by rail or boat July 24, 2002
  17. University of Michigan to teach students and teachers to rap July 24, 2002
  18. Tip sheet: U-M experts on corporate governance issues July 18, 2002
  19. Scholarship program to honor alumni who died Sept. 11 July 18, 2002
  20. Michigan Quarterly Review features essays, poetry July 17, 2002