Arts & Culture

  1. U.S. husbands are doing more housework while wives are doing less March 12, 2002
  2. Disease prevention can add years to your life, says research March 12, 2002
  3. Attitude about exercise affects girls’ perception of physical activity March 11, 2002
  4. Entrepreneurial financing to be discussed March 22-24 March 11, 2002
  5. Series to address interdisciplinary trend affecting universities March 8, 2002
  6. ISR probes the stress of minority status and the impact of Sept. 11 March 8, 2002
  7. National Eating Disorders Awareness week brings super-model March 8, 2002
  8. Former Senator George Mitchell to speak on world peace March 7, 2002
  9. Barry named managing director of Life Sciences Institute March 7, 2002
  10. Funding for Health and Society Scholars Program March 6, 2002
  11. Black men at high risk of HIV/AIDS are focus of $2.2 million study March 6, 2002
  12. FreedomCAR and military applications power fuel cell research March 6, 2002
  13. Higher education appropriations hearing on campus March 18 March 5, 2002
  14. School of Dentistry members to present research at national meeting March 5, 2002
  15. Worms turn food waste into compost March 4, 2002
  16. U-M ranks second in Peace Corps volunteers March 4, 2002
  17. Black legislators more likely than others to vote pro-environment March 1, 2002
  18. Edward Gramlich to discuss ways to beat the recession March 7 February 28, 2002
  19. How gene duplication helps in adapting to changing environments February 28, 2002
  20. School of Dentistry’s Ignelzi wins national teaching award February 25, 2002