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Arts & Culture
Sports team owners, Council of Learned Societies president at dedications
September 16, 1997
New equipment allows Library to preserve and protect
September 16, 1997
Advisory: Campaign for Michigan closing celebration
September 16, 1997
Public symposium on “Managing Professional Sports” Sept. 26
September 16, 1997
Professor analyzes U.S. foreign policy toward “rogue regimes”
September 15, 1997
Presidential inauguration also inaugurates YoHA
September 15, 1997
Police seek help in identifying a man
September 12, 1997
Edward Said to speak at U-M symposium celebrating D’Arms Awards.
September 12, 1997
Philosophy Prof. Emeritus Richard B. Brandt died Sept. 10
September 12, 1997
Author to speak on “Power, Abuse and Memory”
September 11, 1997
English Prof. to read from his work in September
September 11, 1997
Former Vice President Lyle Nelson dies
September 11, 1997
Study shows immigration “push,” welfare “pull” on poor children
September 9, 1997
Media advisory—President Bollinger’s inauguration
September 9, 1997
President Lee Bollinger’s inauguration on Sept. 19
September 9, 1997
Alumnus named director of athletics
September 8, 1997
Fans warned about counterfeit football tickets
September 8, 1997
Center for Japanese Studies names its faculty grant recipients
September 5, 1997
HHS Secretary Shalala to talk on child welfare Sept. 18
September 5, 1997
Gilbert S. Omenn chosen as executive V.P. for medical affairs
September 4, 1997