Education & Society

  1. Americans live close to mothers May 3, 2010
  2. Big Ten Network to Televise President Obama’s Commencement Address at the University of Michigan May 1, 2010
  3. U-M, MSU to study state education reforms with $5.9 million federal grant April 29, 2010
  4. MacKie-Mason chosen as new SI dean April 29, 2010
  5. Oakland County: Poised for recovery, job gains in 2011 April 29, 2010
  6. U-M faculty named to American Academy of Arts and Sciences April 27, 2010
  7. U-M outlines details for commencement May 1 April 26, 2010
  8. Barriers keep vulnerable workers from accessing unemployment insurance April 26, 2010
  9. Microfluidic integrated circuit could help enable home diagnostic tests April 21, 2010
  10. U-M statement on Michigan Senate passage of stem cell bills April 21, 2010
  11. Activist Salbi will speak at Ross School commencement April 21, 2010
  12. U-M professors win Guggenheim Fellowships for research April 19, 2010
  13. U-M, Grand Valley sign pharmacy college admissions agreement April 16, 2010
  14. U-M study to explore experiences of working women April 15, 2010
  15. U-M announces new statewide college access initiative April 15, 2010
  16. How to use entrepreneurship for social good: A unique class April 13, 2010
  17. Rosa appointed new director of U-M Museum of Art April 13, 2010
  18. Web site showcases U-M Sustainability April 12, 2010
  19. 21st century treatment proves successful for adults living with cerebral palsy April 12, 2010
  20. U-M experts available on tragedy, transitions in Poland April 12, 2010