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Education & Society
Job insecurity leads to health problems in U.S. workers
August 27, 2009
People seek balanced political information to defend their positions
August 27, 2009
Working too much can be dangerous for teen’s sexual health
August 25, 2009
Axinn appointed director of ISR Survey Research Center
August 24, 2009
Long-term exercise, healthy eating habits in young adults: U-M study
August 21, 2009
Detroit responds: Customer satisfaction matches Asian competitors
August 20, 2009
Living together: The best way to divorce-proof a marriage?
August 19, 2009
Hoarders vs. spartans
August 18, 2009
Children in unsafe neighborhoods risk sedentary lifestyle and obesity
August 17, 2009
Water quality improves after lawn fertilizer ban, study shows
August 17, 2009
U-M participating in Challenge for Arts and Culture
August 14, 2009
Bike camp moves challenged kids toward independence
August 14, 2009
U-M plans largest ever investment in financial aid
August 13, 2009
U-M to receive funds to prepare workforce for green technology
August 6, 2009
Educate yourself to boost achievement in kids
August 6, 2009
Study shows how college major and religious faith affect each other
August 4, 2009
U-M’s Rocky Mountain Field Station celebrates 80th anniversary with new housing, expanded course offerings
July 31, 2009
Weekends at Ross
July 30, 2009
U-M’s Gutmann to head NSF Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Directorate
July 27, 2009
U-M students help former inmates return to society
July 23, 2009