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Education & Society
University of Michigan/Detroit partnership wins national honor
November 5, 2004
U-M experts available on Arafat, Middle East, related stories
November 5, 2004
Libraries collaborate to make Muschenheim image archive
November 3, 2004
U-M launches series of human rights initiatives
November 3, 2004
People cause more soil erosion than all natural processes
November 1, 2004
U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Scalia to give U-M Law School lecture
November 1, 2004
Treatment sometimes absent for children of mothers with mental illness
November 1, 2004
Researchers: Religious faith shortens hospital stays,aids recovery
October 27, 2004
Companies in crisis: Money helps preserve positive relationships
October 25, 2004
Regents meeting Oct. 21 begins at 2 p.m. in Flint
October 18, 2004
Three U-M faculty selected for IOM membership
October 18, 2004
2004 enrollment sets records at every level
October 14, 2004
First impressions and old habits are hard to overcome
October 14, 2004
U-M professor to test flu shot and nasal spray flu vaccine side by side
October 13, 2004
For love or money, marriage is here to stay
October 12, 2004
Former U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rightsto speak at U-M Law School
October 11, 2004
New award honors David Hermelin
October 8, 2004
Science is fascinating: Fall 2004 Saturday Morning Physics schedule
October 6, 2004
U-M on-campus crime reports drop in 2003
October 5, 2004
Economist and author Julianne Malveaux to speak at CEW anniversary
October 4, 2004