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Education & Society
Ann Arbor Dance for Mother Earth Pow Wow in March
March 8, 2004
Albright to discuss Middle East democracy, international institutions
March 8, 2004
ISR Roots of Terrorism Initiative sponsors talks
March 4, 2004
U-M earns award for protecting the environment through energy efficiency
March 3, 2004
Energizing your workplace: New book shows how
March 1, 2004
Legendary choreographer Merce Cunningham to appear at U-M
March 1, 2004
Concerns heighten over slow pace of job growth
February 27, 2004
U-M study: More programs needed to aid students with mental illnesses
February 26, 2004
Three-day conference: Doing documentary work
February 24, 2004
U-M exhibit features art by Michigan prisoners
February 23, 2004
Detroit’s digital divide not due to race
February 19, 2004
Three professors receive prestigious Henry Russel Award at U-M
February 19, 2004
Five U-M faculty members named Thurnau Professors
February 19, 2004
Laurita Thomas named to U-M’s top human resource post
February 18, 2004
Customer satisfaction is at its highest since 1995
February 18, 2004
Race relations experts explore desegregation in modern education
February 17, 2004
U-M experts available to discuss latest interpretations of Christ
February 16, 2004
Religion guides views of fertility treatment in Middle East
February 14, 2004
Survey of U-M freshmen shows a marked increase in political interest
February 12, 2004
WDI Panel: Poland’s involvement in Iraq
February 6, 2004