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Education & Society
New U-M undergraduate admissions process to involve more information, individual review
August 27, 2003
Welfare work requirements limit breast-feeding, study shows
August 22, 2003
U-M celebrates St. Petersburg’s founding with multi-arts festival
August 21, 2003
Customer satisfaction holds steady
August 20, 2003
Food conference: The impact of journalism on how Americans eat
August 19, 2003
Overtime: It’s not just for the money, U-M study says
August 18, 2003
Grade inflation remedies needed, says book by U-M professor
August 18, 2003
U-M researcher co-discovers horned dinosaur in India
August 13, 2003
U-M experts available on back to school issues
August 12, 2003
Sexy, violent TV shows reduce recall of ad brands, U-M study shows
August 7, 2003
Friendly at work? It’s a good thing
August 6, 2003
Parasites prevent ants from protecting coffee plants
August 5, 2003
Weak economic recovery hits more states, hammers same old few
July 30, 2003
U-M surgeon aids Grand Rapids neighborhoods with auto safety
July 28, 2003
Nobel Prize-winning geneticist returns to U-M Biological Station
July 25, 2003
Biography of Bright Sheng, U-M professor and composer
July 21, 2003
Treatment, not only incarceration, needed for male adolescent sex offenders
July 21, 2003
ISR survey of Arab Americans starts July 10
July 8, 2003
U-M research indicates racial identity can boost academic performance
June 30, 2003
Public forum: Ethics and social responsibility in University purchasing practices
June 30, 2003