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Education & Society
Housing rates for 2002-03 academic year approved by Regents
April 18, 2002
- new course on daily life in Eastern Roman Empire
April 17, 2002
Girls’ interest in math is much lower than their performance
April 17, 2002
Work towards closer ties with parents of undergraduates
April 15, 2002
Antibiotics may help patients with periodontal disease
April 11, 2002
Four honorary degrees to be awarded
April 9, 2002
UM/MSU partnership marks 25 years of cooperation and service
April 9, 2002
U-M participates in National Alcohol Screening Day
April 8, 2002
Prof. Richard Lempert to address defending affirmative action
April 5, 2002
McCain, Bayh will hold a town hall meeting on national service
April 5, 2002
School of Information’s Digital Tool Kit returns May-August
April 3, 2002
High school students have fun with math & science at summer camp
April 2, 2002
Barbara Neri explores life and work of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
March 13, 2002
Early maps: information and misinformation
March 13, 2002
U.S. husbands are doing more housework while wives are doing less
March 12, 2002
Entrepreneurial financing to be discussed March 22-24
March 11, 2002
Series to address interdisciplinary trend affecting universities
March 8, 2002
ISR probes the stress of minority status and the impact of Sept. 11
March 8, 2002
National Eating Disorders Awareness week brings super-model
March 8, 2002
Former Senator George Mitchell to speak on world peace
March 7, 2002