Education & Society

  1. Participants in “Covering Race Then and Now: The Press and Public Policy” January 3, 2001
  2. Tip Sheet: How to make and keep New Year’s resolutions December 21, 2000
  3. International children adoptions by Michigan families up last year December 21, 2000
  4. Holiday Tip Sheet: Eat, drink and be merry? December 19, 2000
  5. Exploring Earth’s interior with virtual reality December 16, 2000
  6. Coming soon: space shuttles that repair technical glitches on the fly December 15, 2000
  7. Teen cigarette, smokeless tobacco uses decline substantially December 14, 2000
  8. Ecstasy use up sharply; use of many drugs steady, some declines December 14, 2000
  9. Julie Peterson is associate V.P. for media relations and public affairs December 14, 2000
  10. Two grants received from Alcoa Foundation December 14, 2000
  11. Tobacco settlement $ = biomedical research; business development December 14, 2000
  12. Advisory: Statement regarding student incident December 14, 2000
  13. Advisory—Statement re: admissions lawsuit decision December 13, 2000
  14. Economist and statistician Lee A. Lillard died Dec. 2 at age 57 December 6, 2000
  15. What would you ask Jefferson or Hamilton? December 1, 2000
  16. Living in a city increases a man’s risk of death November 30, 2000
  17. Enrollment stable amidst record number of applications November 29, 2000
  18. $8 million-plus for landmark National Survey of African Americans November 27, 2000
  19. New book looks at African Americans in 21st century America November 27, 2000
  20. Plant and animal bacteria share cell-killing mechanism November 23, 2000