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Education & Society
Conference on Asian auto industry Nov. 3 in Dearborn
October 24, 2000
Raoul Wallenberg’s sister to present 10th Wallenberg Lecture
October 24, 2000
Halloween tip sheet
October 23, 2000
Strong investment return, 43.6% total return on portfolio
October 20, 2000
Cantor, Clark, James elected to Institute of Medicine
October 19, 2000
Regents approve academic administrative appointments
October 19, 2000
Butterfield new human resources and affirmative action associate VP
October 19, 2000
Michael Waring named executive director of federal relations
October 19, 2000
Regents adopt retirement memoirs for four faculty members
October 19, 2000
Regents approve building projects
October 19, 2000
Two distinguished scientists to lead Life Sciences Institute
October 18, 2000
UM.CourseTools technology brings students, faculty closer
October 18, 2000
Free oral health care services during “Dental Health Day”
October 18, 2000
Grant awards and supports leadership and participation in the arts
October 16, 2000
Researchers uncover secret to mass extinction events
October 13, 2000
Wayne County economic growth to scale back slightly
October 11, 2000
Statistician Leslie Kish died Oct. 7 at age 90
October 11, 2000
Child health policy and the presidency discussed at a public lecture
October 10, 2000
Aunt Jemima makes an appearance here
October 9, 2000
Working conditions in factories manufacturing licensed apparel
October 6, 2000