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Education & Society
$2.5 million from Dow Chemical Company Foundation funds “cutting edge” sustainability education
September 19, 2000
Best fund-raising year ever
September 18, 2000
Lecture to explore role of school libraries and K-12 youth
September 15, 2000
Finalists named in search for vice president for student affairs
September 13, 2000
Celebrating the naming of the Ford School of Public Policy
September 12, 2000
Staff member struck and killed by campus bus
September 12, 2000
Ginsberg Center dedication is Sept. 14
September 11, 2000
Researchers find potent potential antibiotic
September 11, 2000
National Science Foundation’s Norman Bradburn to talk on Sept. 15
September 8, 2000
Higher education panel discussion on Sept. 15
September 7, 2000
Nationwide earthquake engineering network
September 5, 2000
Symposium to focus on innovation and the Internet
August 31, 2000
Dental School marks 125th anniversary, dedication of renovations
August 31, 2000
Ford School of Public Policy panel discussion on welfare reform
August 29, 2000
Online instructional materials offered through new partnership
August 23, 2000
Polymers with nitric-oxide releasing particles for biomedical devices
August 18, 2000
Bond ratings are upgraded to highest level
August 16, 2000
Zirconate material will improve plutonium storage safety
August 14, 2000
Zirconate material will improve plutonium storage safety
August 11, 2000
Scientists find molecular switch that inhibits fat cell development
August 9, 2000