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Education & Society
Five faculty members honored for their commitment to diversity
April 24, 2000
Eco-Explorers, from Pinckney to Costa Rica
April 24, 2000
Jamie Katz to deliver student commencement speech
April 24, 2000
Julio Frenk to give School of Public Health commencement address
April 21, 2000
Lower blood pressure during pregnancy
April 20, 2000
Long graduation gowns have an even longer history
April 20, 2000
AD search committee hires executive search firm
April 20, 2000
Business School to name professorship for Whitakers
April 19, 2000
No passport needed
April 19, 2000
Christopher Gillberg speaks April 27 in Autism Awareness Month
April 18, 2000
Leaving a positive impact
April 17, 2000
Rackham lecture series to look at future of academic publishing
April 13, 2000
U-M President Lee Bollinger annouces major gift from Richard (BBA ’70) and Susan Rogel
April 13, 2000
Regents approve administrative appointments
April 13, 2000
Booklet, video to raise awareness of HIV/AIDS social stigmas
April 10, 2000
The census report: nothing new.
April 6, 2000
Latina/o workers conference to be held
April 5, 2000
Universities researching how to prepare students for diverse democracy
April 5, 2000
First expoSItion to display School of Information talent
April 4, 2000
Engineering students saving the world—one community at a time
April 4, 2000